We often get asked what is ChinLipo? In the same way, the chin is an often neglected facial feature that plays a pivotal role in facial aesthetics, as the chin is the fulcrum upon which all facial symmetry, proportion and shape are balanced.
It is also the keystone that connects the face to the neck. The chin symbolises sensuality in the female and masculinity in the male. Women need a delicate chin with less fullness in the central part, while men with masculine features need a MStronger-looking chin.
In a harmonious face, the ratio of the upper lip to the lower lip and chin is 1:2. If a shorter or longer chin is present, the face appears unbalanced.
The hashtag #Chinlipo has garnished 62 million views on TikTok, with many Gen Z influencers choosing this minimally invasive procedure to enhance their profiles.
You may be a candidate for this procedure if you have a double chin or a slight excess of skin and some fatty tissue in the chin area. More and more, younger patients in their 20s and older patients in their 50s are seeking to have this procedure done for stubborn fatty areas that are diet and exercise-resistant.
Patients must wear a headband up to 5 days after the operation to decrease swelling and enhance results. Swelling may be present for up to1-2 weeks. As the bruising and the swelling subsides, the sculpted neck becomes more evident, with final results only apparent after 6 months.
This operation is minimally invasive and takes up to 90 min to perform, depending on the complexity of the procedure. It involves anaesthetising the area with a tumescent solution, melting the fat with the FaceTite probe, and then liposuctioning it with a very thin cannula.
Dr Ching uses FaceTite Radiofrequency Technology to tighten skin and melt fat when performing the ChinLipo procedure. This is also used to enhance and contour the Jawline during surgery.
Loose skin will shrink with liposuction alone, but when combined with Facetite significant skin laxity can be addressed with this new RF technology.
There is minimal pain and discomfort after the procedure. Analgesia and antibiotics are prescribed, and a course of lymphatic drainage is advised to decrease swelling and enhance results.
This procedure can be performed under local anaesthetic alone or with sedation, so a general anaesthetic is unnecessary.
Expected results are a smoother contoured Jawline with the removal of a double chin and a more V- contoured chin
Most definitely. Male patients are also candidates for this procedure. Due to minimal time off work and short recovery, it is fast becoming a popular option to enhance the Jawline and chin.
For more information on our procedure please visit this page
So if you would like a chin-up please call the rooms at (011)304-7888 or email us at info@p-a.co.za